

mercoledì 18 luglio 2012

LOOK*336 But if you want to leave, you can. I will remember you I remember all those who leave!

Skin:- -Glam Affair -Roza - Natural 01 Red 88L

Hair:-! SugarsmacK !: Elan/Latte Cake Hair Fair
Lipstick:-.Pekka. CANDY Lipstick Colours Edition (senape)
Piercing:  -ivy.  - Piercing Maiko with HUD
T-Shirt:- [y]   Sweater - Fuck You
Underpants: :-Belote -   May Gift - Lingerie
Pants:-.:Useful Things:. gaga pants mesh blue
Shoes:-..:: Energie ::. Champions  Snakers   Bag

Pose:-BEZ! SetSingles 8

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